Centre Information


What we offer

  • Places   60
  • Ages     2-6 years
  • Enrolment :  Full and part-time
  • Opening hours  7.00am - 6.00pm,
    Monday to Friday,
    50 weeks a year, excluding public holidays



Our Educators / Rooms / Ratios

Our Centre has four rooms

  • Possums Room– 2 year olds
    12 children with 3 Educators a Ratio of  1-4
  • Lorikeet Room – Younger 3 year olds
    12 children with – 2 Educators, a Ratio of 1-6
  • Bilby Room – Older 3 year olds
    13 children with 2 Educators, a Ratio of 1-6.5
  • Wallaby Room – 4-5 years of age
    23 children with 3 Educators, a Ratio of 1-7.6

Other programme support educators cover

  • Lunch breaks.
  • Room programming throughout the week.
  • Annual Leave.
  • Food preparation/WHS Officer
  • Regular casuals to cover sick leave.

The centre is led by our Director and is supported by an administrator.

Our Centre prides itself on having a high staff to child ratio over the whole centre that exceeds the minimum legislated requirements. We currently employ five Early Childhood Teachers and all other educators are Diploma or Certificate 111 trained.

We believe highly qualified staff and an above ratio of educators to children facilitates a rich and engaging quality programme for the children. The early years of a child’s life are their most formative and “Research shows quality education and care early in life leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. The early years are critical for establishing self-esteem, resilience, healthy growth and capacity to learn. Quality education and care shapes every child’s future and lays the foundation for development and learning.” (Explaining the National Quality Framework - ACECQA, 2016)


We provide four meals a day, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack. Our food is catered for by Kids Gourmet Food (KGF).  KGF menus are designed to comply with the Australian Dietary Guidelines.  These guidelines are vital to our annual development process and are reviewed to ensure they meet ACECQA criteria.
Please click HERE to view the Parent Information Brochure (Pdf)

Meeting the National Quality Standards

South Coogee Learning Centre has been rated Meeting the National Quality Standards in all seven quality areas. A meeting rating means the Service is operating at a high quality across all areas of the National Quality Standard. The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a national benchmark for the quality of education and care service and includes the following seven quality areas that are important to outcomes for children:

The quality standards are also underpinned by regulatory standards. The NQS is a schedule within the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

Source - Guide to the NQF


Currently, fees are $141 per day for all age groups.

Childcare Benefit and Childcare Rebate

All the programs at the Learning Centre are approved for the purpose of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). For more information about the child care fee assistance programs and your eligibility please visit the link below:

New (after July 2018) Childcare System for Families






  • MONDAY: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • TUESDAY: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • WEDNESDAY: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • THURSDAY: 7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • FRIDAY: 7:00AM - 6:00PM