South Coogee OOSH Philosophy

At South Coogee OOSH we aim to provide a welcoming, supportive, nurturing and inclusive environment in which children, families, educators and the community feel safe, secure and supported.

We understand every child and family is unique and we work tirelessly to provide a program that is tailored to the needs, interests and strengths of the educators, children and our families. Our program is a planned and collaborative approach to children’s learning. It is emergent, dynamic and highly contextualised on the individual needs of our children. It is designed and implemented by all educators to benefit our children. Programming is a cyclical process in which we examine, discuss and reflect as a team to ensure the children are developing a sense of belonging coupled with a sense of autonomy. We encourage the children to take control of their own learning and we foster their creativity through this independence.

We implement a holistic approach to children’s learning and development in which we endeavour to provide the necessary skills needed to learn, grow and thrive. We recognise the importance of a play-based curriculum and incorporate opportunities for independent spontaneous play. We value and embed sustainable practices into our centre in the hopes that we can influence our community to reduce, reuse and recycle, 3 principles which are scaffolded in our daily routines through education and real-life experiences.

We take great pride in our connections with our community and continue to build such partnerships. We believe this creates a sense of belonging within a wider community that allows the children to understand respectful relationships.

Overall, we have confidence in our community and are inspired by what each individual brings to our centre. The diversity, the strengths, achievements and contributions of all ensure South Coogee OOSH is a place in which we can grow and develop together.


  • VACATION CARE7:00AM - 6:00PM